Birth. Death. Taxes. This.
So the old saying goes: there's nothing certain in life apart from birth, death, and taxes. Well, we're adding rejection to the list. Welcome to Rejected Central.

First, we're so excited to start this journey with you. It started with Brent thinking about podcasts and where he might fit one in, and realized that his life as a writer has demanded that he deal with rejection. In his case, it's resulted in thick skin and sometimes grim humour. But there are tons of other rejection stories, small and large, celebrity and ordinary, historical and current, funny and serious, and so on, that need telling. So, here we are.
Second, we're reclaiming the term "Reject." The fact is, we've all been rejected and we've all had to figure out what to do with that rejection. Furthermore, life is full of things that, frankly, need rejecting. So we're all rejects, and from our perspective, proudly so. (I'd say welcome to the club, but we're all lifetime members, aren't we?)
Finally, thank you. We've already had a great response, both in terms of amazing guests lending their rejection perspective for the podcast, and from you, our listeners. And thank you in advance to those who'll hopefully be sharing their stories.
Stay nimble, y'all.
Brent & Dave